Gloves On, Mask Off: Local Neo-Nazis Sponsor & Participate in SoCal MMA Tournaments

Last weekend was a busy one for SoCal Active Club and Clockwork Crew, with wannabe mixed martial artists from both neo-nazi groups participating in separate MMA tournaments.

On Saturday, August 24, SoCal Active Club sponsored their third annual punch and kick fest in the Inland Empire. Down in the Imperial Valley, Clockwork Crew’s co-founder got his clock cleaned (again) in his third bout on the amateur circuit.

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From Soldier to Sweaty Selfies and Swastikas: The Contradictory Persona of Mohammad Wadaa, U.S. Marine Turned Neo-Nazi Skinhead

Mohammad Ashraf Wadaa is the co-founder of Clockwork Crew (Crew 562), a former “knight commander” in the neo-nazi cult Church of Aryanity, a recent military reject and current wannabe white power skinhead.

He’s also a really weird dude.

He posts pee pants ‘fizeek’ and ‘cum tributes’ online, has earned himself the nickname ‘Ripoff Rundo’ and even cultivated an entire persona based on a bizarre and violent fantasy of being the direct descendent of some of history’s most brutal nazi collaborators and war criminals.

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